The Dangers of Arminianism

The Dangers of Arminianism

Dennis A. Wright, DMin

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Arminianism Exposed

Mark Herzer, PhD

Exposes some of the major tenets of Arminianism by interacting with their primary sources, all of whom are decidedly Arminian. Yet, their system is crassly Pelagian and their position will shock the sensibilities of all true evangelicals.

Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism & Arminianism

Talbot & Crampton

A Theological Primer. An excellent 158-page resource!

The Continental Divide of Theology

Steven J. Lawson, DMin

There is a high ground that runs through church history—a Continental Divide of theology. This great divide of doctrine separates two distinctly different streams of thought that flow in opposite directions.

Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism and Augustinianism

Archibald Alexander Hodge, DD

A brief sketch of the three rival systems of Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism, and Augustinianism, also known as: Socinianism, Arminianism, and Calvinism.

Pelagianism: The Religion of Natural Man

Michael S. Horton, PhD

We possess neither the ability, free will, power, nor the righteousness to repair ourselves and escape the wrath of God. It must all be God’s work, or there is no salvation.

The Pelagian Captivity of the Church

R. C. Sproul, PhD

If Martin Luther were alive today and came to our culture and looked, not at the liberal church community, but at evangelical churches, what would he have to say? My guess is this: The book he would write in our time would be entitled The Pelagian Captivity of the Evangelical Church.


Curt Daniel, PhD

Just as Calvinism is named for John Calvin but existed as pre-Calvinism before him and is subsumed under Reformed theology in general, so there was a kind of pre-Arminianism before Jacob Arminius, and there were later variations.

The Leaven of Synergism

Arthur C. Custance, PhD

Throughout the centuries since God covenanted to save man through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ, whereby He provided a full, perfect, and sufficient satisfaction for our sins, one aberration of the Gospel has always threatened the truth.

10 Things You Should Know about James Arminius and Arminianism

Sam Storms, PhD

We turn our attention to James Arminius and a few brief observations about the theological system that bears his name.

Arminianism and Grace

Charles Hodge

It is not our desire to wound the feelings of our Arminian brethren.  Such, however, is the prominence given in the Scriptures to the doctrine of grace, and such is its admitted importance to the whole scheme of redemption, that where it is impugned or misrepresented, silence is criminal.

The Foundation of Election: An Overview of Classical Arminianism

David S. Miller

This is a Master of Arts Research Project presented to the Faculty of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Does Scripture Teach Prevenient Grace in the Wesleyan Sense?

Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD

Explores whether the Wesleyan concept of prevenient grace can be supported from the Scriptures. There is a significant area of common ground between Wesleyans and Calvinists. 

Why I Reject the Arminian Doctrine of Prevenient Grace

C. Michael Patton

Prevenient grace is the Achilles heel of Arminianism.  Prevenient grace is the Arminian counter to the Calvinistic doctrine of Irresistible grace.

The “god” of Arminianism is Not Worshippable

C. Matthew McMahon, ThD, PhD

A simple overview of what Arminius taught versus what the Bible teaches.  

Seven Problems with Arminian Universal Redemption

Joel Beeke, PhD

In the theology of Arminianism, we are told that Christ died to make it possible for everyone to be saved, if they so choose. 

God’s Will and Man’s Will

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The great controversy which for many ages has divided the Christian Church has hinged upon the difficult question of “the will.”

A Display of Arminianism: Of Free-Will, the Nature and Power Thereof

John Owen

Owen presents a view of the great deity of free-will, whose original being not well known, he is pretended, like the Ephesian image of Diana, to have fallen down from heaven.

The Children in the Hands of the Arminians

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield

The fundamental principle of Arminianism is that salvation hangs upon a free, intelligent choice of the individual will; that salvation is, in fact, the result of the acceptance of God by man, rather than of the acceptance of man by God. 

Classic Articles and Resources on Arminianism

Various Authors

Links to hundreds of PDF files, MP3 audio files, MP4 videos and webpages on Arminianism. Excellent Resources!

Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities

Roger E. Olson

Olson is a self-declared Arminian and is sympathetic to Arminianism.  This 250-page book is well written, but obviously biased. Be a Berean!

Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism

John L. Girardeau

Compared as to Election, Reprobation, Justification and Related Doctrines. (373-page book). Excellent!

A Display of Arminianism

John Owen

Excellent 460-page resource from one of the greatest Puritan scholars. Originally published in 1642.

The Dangers of Arminianism

Jim Van Winkle

Van Winkle believes that Arminianism is dangerous to the soul of man and that Arminianism is itself a virulent heresy. Those who truly believe it are not Christians. 

Arminianism: The Road to Rome

Augustus Toplady

Augustus Toplady (1740-1778) said, “I must repeat, what already seems to have given him so much offence, that Arminianism ‘came from Rome, and leads thither again.’ “

The Synod of Dordt Condemned Arminianism as Heresy

C. Matthew McMahon. PhD, ThD

Dordt stated that Arminius and the Remonstrants, “summon back from hell the Pelagian error.”

The Synod of Dort was Protestantism’s Biggest Debate

Simonetta Carr

Why Arminians and Reformers squared off 400 years ago.

The Synod of Dort

The Synod of Dort was a European transnational
Synod held in Dordrecht in 1618–1619, by the Dutch
Reformed Church, to settle a divisive controversy caused by
the rise of Arminianism.



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