Progressive Christianity
What is “Progressive” Christianity?
Michael J. Kruger, PhD
Solomon was right: “There is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl 1:9). This proverb has certainly been proven true when it comes to different “new and improved versions” of Christianity that have popped up throughout church history.
The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity
Michael J. Kruger, PhD
Kruger lays out ten beliefs of progressive Christians (in their own words), and then offers a response.
A History of Progressive Christianity
Alisa Childers
Alisha Childers’ excellent five-part series of essays published by the Impact 360 Institute.
Highly Recommended!
Historic Biblical Christianity & Contemporary Progressive Christianity
Harry Reeder
Excellent discussion of J. Gresham Machen!
Classic Articles & Resources on So-Called Progressive Christianity
Various Authors
Presented here are 113 resources on So-Called Progressive Christianity that are available online. Included are web pages, mp3 audio files and mp4 video files. Highly Recommended!
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