
The Perils of Ignoring Postmodernism
Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD
Pastors may justify their neglect of postmodernism for two reasons. First, postmodernism is too complicated and sophisticated to warrant any study on their part. Second, they may think that their responsibility is only to preach the gospel.

Postmodernism and Truth
J.P. Moreland, PhD
Perhaps one of the most important topics in our day is truth. Indeed, the nature and knowledge of truth are foundational to the way people think about and live their lives. Historically, the classic correspondence theory of truth has been the prominent view, and it has outlived most of its critics.

The Depressing Dead End of “Your Truth”
Brett McCracken
Your truth. Those two words are so entrenched in our lexicon today that we hardly recognize them for the incoherent nightmare that they are.

What Should Christians Think about Postmodernism?
D. A. Carson, PhD
Carson says that postmodernist epistemology is a pretty abstract topic. So what are the practical lessons that we can glean from thinking about it?
Brief, but powerful!

How Should a Christian Understand Postmodernism?
Douglas R. Groothuis, PhD
Postmodernist philosophy, generally understood, claims to leave behind modernist (or Enlightenment) commitments to the objectivity of truth, the universality of reason, and the inevitability of progress.

Why Truth Matters Most: An Apologetics for Truth-Seeking in Postmodern Times
Douglas R. Groothuis, PhD
The word “truth” is a staple in our language and in every language. One cannot imagine a human language lacking the concept of truth. Such a language would never inform anyone of anything: it would lack any intellectual access to reality. No language qua language could be so constrained (although some political and celebrity “discourse” comes close).

The Christian World View—Postmodernism #1
J. Ligon Duncan III, PhD
Postmodernism has caused us to lose two things: First, we’ve lost the center in our culture. There’s no common ground anymore. Secondly, the horizon has been lost. There are no boundaries anymore. Excellent introduction!

The Christian World View—Postmodernism #2
J. Ligon Duncan III, PhD
Ligon Duncan speaks on “Postmodernism Goes to College” making people aware of some precursors to Postmodernism, as he defines: Modernization; Modernity; and, Postmodern. Examines the impact of Postmodernism on society.

The Emerging Church
D. A. Carson, PhD
At the heart of the Emergent Church movement—or as some of its leaders prefer to call it, the “conversation”—lies the conviction that changes in the culture signal that a new church is “emerging.” Christian leaders must therefore adapt to this emerging church. Those who fail to do so are blind to the cultural accretions that hide the gospel behind forms of thought and modes of expression that no longer communicate with the new generation, the emerging generation.
Excellent Resource!

Babel and Derrida: Postmodernism, Language and Biblical Interpretation
Craig G. Bartholomew, PhD
This article assesses the challenge postmodernism constitutes for biblical interpretation via an analysis of Derrida’s reading of the Tower of Babel narrative.

The Dangers and Delights of Postmodernism
D. A. Carson, PhD
Postmodernism” is on the lips of many people. For some, it evokes all that is good and exciting about intellectual advance during the past three decades or so; for others, it signals the abandonment of truth, the adoption of nihilism, multiplied confusion, and God-defying arrogance. For many others, its meaning is unclear. They know it is something they are supposed to be excited about or concerned over, but they are not quite sure what it is.

Deconstructing: Musing on Some Modern Problems About Words
Derek W.H. Thomas, PhD
Very interesting essay!

Approaches to and Images of Biblical Authority for the Postmodern Mind
William J. Larkin, PhD
Biblical authority is central to the gospel, but to the postmodern mind unintelligible, if not inimical. When Jesus commissions the disciples in Luke he introduces the message they are to carry with an appeal to the authority of Scripture: “This is what is written” (Luke 24:46).