Heresy and Heretics

Heresy in the Early Church
Harold O.J. Brown, PhD
“There is nothing new under the sun,” the Preacher wrote (Eccl. 1:9). According to Professor Klaus Haacker of Wuppertal, Germany, one of the primary sources of error in theology is the desire to say something new.

Heresy in the Early Church: Did You Know?
Christian History Magazine
It’s been said, “God writes straight with crooked lines,” meaning God has allowed heresy to arise to help Christians clarify what they believe. Well, most of the time!

Christian Heresies Infographic
God Scholar
Even before the original autographs of the New Testament writings were completed, we see a rise of Christian heresies that would repeatedly attempt to undermine the classical Christian doctrines as taught by Jesus and his apostles. Various church fathers and organized councels defended the orthodox positions on the most important doctrines critical for the true Christian faith.

Two Heresies That Never Go Away
Anthony Costello
It is, or at least should be, a grave responsibility for every pastor, teacher and preacher of the Bible to not just be aware of heresies but to actively defend the apostolic and orthodox Christian faith against them. Unfortunately, one of the most lamentable realities in American Evangelicalism today is a woeful ignorance of Church History. Excellent!!!

The Second Great Christian Heresy
Anthony Costello
In the previous post, I discussed the first, great Christian heresy, the heresy of Judaizing. … The Judaizing tendency is one of rejecting grace on account of pride in one’s own moral righteousness. The second great heresy, Marcionism, is the opposite of this: it says that the Mosaic Law, and the God that instituted it, were never valid to begin with. Excellent!

The Gospel According to Heretics: Discovering Orthodoxy through Early Christological Conflicts
David E. Wilhite, PhD
This 305-page book is published by Baker Academic and is Highly Recommended by Lion and Lamb Apologetics!

Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts: Reconsidering the Bauer Thesis
Paul A. Hartog, PhD (Editor)
Somewhat technical, but excellent nonetheless!

Heresy and Heretics: An Evolving Understanding
Charles Cassini
While one can only lament the excessive nature of the reactions which heresies engendered in the past, there is still, at the core of the notion an importance that cannot be ignored in the doing of meaningful theology.

Orthodoxy and Heresy
Robert A. Morey
Since relativism, like a cancer, has eaten its way through most of modern society, the only “orthodoxy” today is that there is no orthodoxy and the only “heresy” is the belief that there is such a thing as heresy. To use such words as “heresy” is viewed today as a social blunder as well as an intellectual oddity.

Heresies: Cults and Sects
Lars Wilhelmsson
Although this book is a warning to look out for cults of any stripe, the emphasis will be on those cults or sects (quasi-cults—orthodox for the most part with cultic tendencies) which are
most influential today.

The History of Heresies and Their Refutation
Saint Alfonso Maria de’ Ligouri
This is a 655-page online book originally published in 1857.
WARNING: The author is Roman Catholic and writes from that perspective. Lion and Lamb Apologetics does not endorse his conclusions!!

List of Heresies
Various Authors
This list, while not exhaustive, provides an excellent overview of these specific heresies. Click on each link to be taken to a far more exhaustive presentation of the specific heresy on various reliable websites.
As always, Be a Berean!