Aberrations of Orthodoxy

A Biblical Guide to Orthodoxy and Heresy
Robert M. Bowman, PhD
For most Christians today, the challenge of learning how to discern orthodox from heretical doctrine has apparently not been faced.

The History of Heresy: Five Errors that Refuse to Die
Phil Johnson
A look at five major heresies that have plagued the church again and again throughout history.

Ravenous Wolves: From Gnosticism to Narcissism
Dennis A. Wright, DMin
How heresy has historically challenged the Church and how it still does today. Multiple resources. Highly Recommended!

Heresy and Heretics
Various Authors
Beginning with heresy in the early Church, these essays examine heresy and heretics right up to the present day. Links to pertinent online books are included. A great place to start!
Designed especially for the serious researcher!

The Free Grace Movement
Various Authors
“I cannot say that I appreciate any of the doctrinal distinctives of the Free Grace movement that set it apart from historic Protestantism. And I think that those distinctives have had, for the most part, a harmful influence upon evangelicals around the world. … I also believe that this entire controversy has served to give a strong warning to contemporary evangelicals that we must always zealously guard the great Reformation truth of justification by faith alone.” (Wayne Grudem)

The Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy
Various Authors
Norman F. Furniss in The Fundamentalist Controversy, 1918–1931 concludes by depicting fundamentalism as a lost cause. Stewart G. Cole in the closing chapter of The History of Fundamentalism likewise pictures the fundamentalists as a minority drifting toward extinction. There are signs today, however, of a lively revival of interest in fundamentalism though sometimes manifested in a volley of criticism.

The King James Only Controversy
Various Authors
Examines the movement that began among Independent Baptist churches in 1964 that regarded the King James Bible as the very word of God in print, with all other modern translations being counterfeits and frauds.

The Dangers of Arminianism
Various Authors
Just as Calvinism is named for John Calvin but existed as pre-Calvinism before him and is subsumed under Reformed theology in general, so there was a kind of pre-Arminianism before Jacob Arminius, and there were later variations of this general system. Designed for the serious researcher!

Open Theism
Open Theism is the logical conclusion of consistent Arminianism, but takes their logic one step further than Classic Arminians would. It affirms that since man has a libertarian free will, God cannot know the future. If God knew the future, he would also know the certainty of our future choices, that could not be otherwise. Given this premise, the open theist argues that we cannot chose differently than what God foresaw so we couldn’t have free will.

Progressive Christianity
Various Authors
Progressive Christianity is a heretical group which deny many basic tenets of Christian orthodoxy. The name “progressive Christianity” is what they call themselves and so we only use the phrase to identify which group to avoid. No legitimacy implied when using the term “Christianity.

Strange Fire: The History of the Modern Charismatic Movement
Various Authors
A massive collection designed especially for serious Biblical researchers, nonetheless helpful and informative for everyone who wants to truly understand the modern Charismatic Movement in light of Biblical Christianity. Recommended!

Oneness Pentecostalism
Various Authors
An indepth examination of Oneness Pentecostalism and the serious doctrinal error of Modalism which likes behind it.
Especially helpful for Biblical researchers!

Various Authors
Postmodernism is a philosophical perspective of the late 20th century Western world that rejects and problematizes the modernist assumptions of the Enlightenment such as the idea of objectivity or the assertion that rational universal principles can be used to explain reality. Designed especially for the serious researcher, but helpful for everyone!

The Prosperity Gospel
An in-depth examination of the “Name It and Claim It” gospel that has infiltrated Christianity and why it is unbiblical.

The New Apostolic Reformation
Various Authors
Examines in great detail the serious doctrinal errors of the New Apostolic Reformation. The NAR is not only dangerous, but it is also heretical is significant ways. Includes links to more extensive research.

The Rise of Reckless Faith
John F. MacArthur
Our generation is exposed to more religious ideas than any people in history. Religious broadcasting and the print media bombard people with all kinds of deviant teachings that claim to be truth.