From Gnosticism to Narcissism

Ravenous Wolves

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Dennis A. Wright, DMin

Coming Soon

Christian Heresies Infographic

God Scholar

Even before the original autographs of the New Testament writings were completed, we see a rise of Christian heresies that would repeatedly attempt to undermine the classical Christian doctrines as taught by Jesus and his apostles. Various church fathers and organized councels defended the orthodox positions on the most important doctrines critical for the true Christian faith.


Various Authors

Coming Soon

Heresies in the Early Church (AD 30-600)

Various Authors

Coming Soon

The Seven Deadly Sins

Various Authors

  • Marcionism: Marcion of Sinope (c. AD 144)
  • Sabellianism: Sabellius (c. AD 215)
  • Arianism: Arius (AD 256-33)
  • Pelagianism: Pelagius (c. AD 355-420)
  • Nestorianism: Nestorius (c. AD 428)

The Heresies in the Medieval Church (601-1516)

Various Authors

Coming Soon

The Reformation Era (1517-1800)

Various Authors

Coming Soon

The Modern Era (1801-Now)

Various Authors

Coming Soon

The New Apostolic Reformation

Various Authors

Coming Soon

Narcissism: The Rebirth of Pelagianism

Various Authors

Coming Soon

The New Atheism

Various Authors

Coming Soon

Where Do We Go from Here?

Various Authors

Coming Soon

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