Problems with the Golden Plates

What is Reformed Egyptian?

Joseph Smith claimed that the Golden Plates from which he translated the Book of Mormon were written in “reformed Egyptian.” What does the evidence show about this claim? 

Problems with the Gold Plates in the Book of Mormon

Bill McKeever presents an excellent analysis of the many problems concerning the Golden Plates story.

Just How “Scandalous” is the Golden Plates Story?

An academic discourse on the origin of the Book of Mormon in the The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal (2006), 26:142-165. For the serious student of Mormonism!

Anthon Transcript

The Anthon Transcript was a sheet of paper, thought to be lost, upon which Joseph Smith copied sample “reformed Egyptian” characters from the plates of the Book of Mormon.

Professor Charles Anthon Letter

Professor Charles Anthon of Columbia College describes in a letter to a friend his encounter with Martin Harris concerning the Reformed Egyptian characters copied upon a piece of paper for his inspection.

Mormon Church Releases Photos of “Seer Stone” Used by Joseph Smith

Peggy Fletcher Stack

In 2015, the LDS Church provided a new glimpse of its origins by publishing photos of the “seer stone,” a dark, egg-size polished rock founder Joseph Smith claimed to have used to produce the faith’s sacred scripture.

Did Joseph Smith Use the Seer Stone…or Didn’t He?

Eric Johnson

For many years, many Mormons have denied that Joseph Smith used a “seer stone” to translate the Book of Mormon. They were led to believe that he used the “Urim and Thummim,” special instruments to aid him in the translation.



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