Nuggets of Gold
These Nuggets of Gold are in no particular order. The most recent is at the top. Enjoy!

The Scarlet Thread Through the Bible
W. A. Criswell, PhD
On December 31, 1961, W. A. Criswell, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, spent several hours walking his congregation through the Bible’s grand narrative, tracing the “scarlet thread through the Bible.”

No Other Name But Jesus
Don Moen
A glorious Praise and Worship song performed by Don Moen and Chosen Generation!
Turn up your speakers!

The Necessity of the Valley
Michael Staton, PhD
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4)

“No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets.”
The Life Story of William Whiting Borden
”Apart from Christ, there is no explanation for such a life.” Such was said of William Borden by Professor Charles Erdman of Princeton University, and he was not mistaken.

Pursing Lady Wisdom
Jon English Lee, PhD
“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight” (Proverbs 4:7). This seems to be a simple enough verse, but there are some truths that must be explicitly drawn out. Our culture tries to indoctrinate us with subtle lies that run counter to this short little proverb from Solomon.

Suffering is Never for Nothing
Paul Pitts III
Pastor Harry Walls once said, “Hard times have high purposes.” It is hard to figure out those purposes when you are actually in the middle of the hard times. Nonetheless, it is important that we consider all that God is doing amidst our sufferings. I want to encourage you that with Jesus, suffering is never for nothing.

Should Christians Pray the “Vengeance Psalms”?
Dan Crabtree
Should Christians pray for judgment on the wicked?

Objections to Praying the “Vengeance Psalms”
Dan Crabtree
Answers to objections that imprecation is appropriate today.

Principles for Praying the “Vengeance Psalms”
Dan Crabtree
Principles to keep in mind when praying to God for judgment.

Son, Who’s Your Daddy? The Story of Ben Hooper, the Orphan Who Became Governor of Tennessee
Mike Sparks

The Point of Christmas: Revelation of God
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Robb pastors Desert Hills Bible Church in Glendale, Arizona.
His PhD in New Testament is from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Point of Christmas: Fulfillment of God’s Promises
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Robb pastors Desert Hills Bible Church in Glendale, Arizona.
His PhD in New Testament is from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Point of Christmas: Salvation from Sin
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Robb pastors Desert Hills Bible Church in Glendale, Arizona.
His PhD in New Testament is from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Point of Christmas: Salvation for All Peoples
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Robb pastors Desert Hills Bible Church in Glendale, Arizona.
His PhD in New Testament is from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Point of Christmas: The Greatest Gift Ever Given
Robb Brunansky, PhD
Robb pastors Desert Hills Bible Church in Glendale, Arizona.
His PhD in New Testament is from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Tree We Don’t Often Focus On At Christmastime
Randy Alcorn
We must never forget that the miracle of the cross was made possible by the miracle of the incarnation!

Joy in Risk and Suffering
John Piper, DTheol
Excellent presentation by Dr. John Piper.
An outstanding sermon that goes to the heart of suffering and God’s role in it. God is in control of EVERYTHING that has happened, that’s happening now, or will happen in the future!
Very Highly Recommended!

The Binding of Isaac
Philip D. Stern
Genesis 22 is a spectacular chapter in the Bible that has a long tradition of Jewish and Christian interpretation. It is known in Hebrew as the Akedah, short for the “binding of Isaac.” In the Akedah, the Hebrew prose level, which in the preceding chapters of Genesis was already at an extremely high level, reaches its highest. It is a model of concision and economy, and as usual in Hebrew prose, leaves the actors’ emotions experienced in the story largely a mystery.

The Binding or Sacrifice of Isaac: How Jews and Christians See Differently
Robin M. Jensen, PhD
The Akedah (ah-kay-DAH), or binding of Isaac, is one of the most powerful narratives in the Hebrew Bible. For nearly 2,000 years, however, it has been read somewhat differently by Jews and Christians. Interesting presentation.

Akedah: How Jews and Christians Explained Abraham’s Faith
Devorah Schoenfeld, PhD
God promised Abraham that Isaac would be his heir, yet God asked Abraham to offer Isaac as asacrifice. What did Abraham believe that allowed him to reconcile this divine contradiction? A scholarly, but interesting presentation.

What Does the Phrase “Dead in Sin” Mean?
John Hendryx
What does it mean to be spiritual dead?

What Does 1 Corinthians 5:12 Mean?
Paul has been clear: Christian churches must remove from their community those known to be participating in obvious sin. They should not associate with such people if those people claim to be Christians.

What Happens After We Die?
Jacob Toman
Toman writes: One of the more common questions I’ve been asked since 2020 relates to death. Covid-19 has brought a sense of urgency to many. That urgency has led some to search the scriptures to find the answers to their deepest questions: What happens after we die?

Seeing Jesus the Way the Shepherds Did
Francis A. Schaeffer
After the angels had appeared to them, the shepherds of Bethlehem ran down the hill to see the baby they had been told about. They came “with haste.”

For the Joy before Him, Christ Came
Dane C. Ortlund, PhD
Thomas Goodwin wrote that Christ’s “own joy, comfort, happiness, and glory are increased and enlarged by . . .” Now how would you finish that sentence?

Jesus Didn’t Show Up Unannounced
Paul David Tripp, DMin
Maybe you’ve endured one of those awkward moments when important visitors show up unannounced. You’re glad they’re there, but you wished that you were prepared for their coming.

John Hall, DMin
This is an excellent Christmas sermon by a gifted expository preacher!
Very Highly Recommended!

God in the Hands of Angry Sinners
R.C. Sproul, PhD
Perhaps the most famous sermon ever preached in America was the one Jonathan Edwards delivered entitled “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God.” Sproul at his best!

What is Distinct about the Theology of Luke?
Benjamin L. Gladd, PhD
The aim of this short essay is to summarize two unique layers of Luke’s narrative about the one gospel.

In a Divisive World Your Values Reveal Your God
Paul David Tripp, DMin
Dr. Tripp proposes six street-level examples of what it means in our current cultural climate to value what God values.

What is Rosh Hashana?
Rabbi Jason Sobel
A “new year” celebration, Rosh Hashanah invites us into a new creation. A clean slate, a fresh start, a do-over from anything in our lives that we feel is wasted or unworthy.

Why Romans is the Greatest Letter Ever Written
Andrew David Naselli, PhD
Paul’s letter to the Romans is arguably the single most important piece of literature in the history of the world.

Seven Reasons Why the Gospel of John is So Special
Michael J. Kruger, PhD
There are three Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—with very similar content, tone, and pacing. And then there’s the gospel of John.

The Crushed Serpent: The Believer’s Only Hope
Brad Gray
There is only one antidote to the venom of sin and death: the Savior who becomes the serpent so that every snake-bitten-sinner might live!

5 Puritan Prescriptions for Gospel-Centered Preaching
Matthew D. Haste, PhD
The Puritans weren’t content merely to defend doctrine from the pulpit; they sought to apply truth in the pews by engaging the hearts of their hearers!

Viticulture and John 15:1-6
Gary W. Derickson
Answers the Question: Does John 15:1-6 teach that one can lose his salvation, or is something else being discussed here? Some of the confusion can be clarified with an adequate understanding of the viticultural practices of the first century.

Argument for the Silent: A Biblical Case Against Abortion
Robert M. Bowman, PhD
Nowhere in the Bible is abortion mentioned specifically. This article supports the conclusion that abortion is immoral by setting forth a biblical case against abortion.

What Does the Bible Say about Suffering?
Dawn Wilson
Responses to suffering are deeply personal and evoke strong emotions, but the Bible offers examples that reveal not only the mystery of human suffering, but God’s eternal perspective.

Does Jesus Pray for Us?
Got Questions?
The New Testament tell us exactly what Jesus prayed for. In Matthew 19:13, He prayed for little children. In Luke 22:32, He tells us that He prayed for Peter’s faith to remain strong. And in John 17, Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, He prayed for His followers and “for those who will believe in me through their message” (verse 20). That’s us! Now that Jesus has ascended back into heaven, He still prays for us.

Jesus Really Does Pray for Us!
John Starke
The doctrine of Christian assurance isn’t much debated among the Reformed. Most conversations circle around how to apply the doctrine to the lives of troubled Christians. But my concern is that some nevertheless make theological conclusions in other areas that undermine a biblical understanding of assurance.

Did You Know Jesus is Praying for You?
Greg Laurie
If there is a sin that is prevalent in the church today, it’s prayerlessness. As Christians we don’t want to break God’s commandments, which would be committing sins of commission. But we also can be guilty of the sin of omission, which is not doing what we should.

What is the Purpose of Jesus Interceding for Us in Heaven?
Got Questions?
“Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25). Although Christ’s work to secure the salvation of the elect was completed on the cross, as evidenced by His cry “It is finished!” (John 19:30), His care for His redeemed children will never be finished.

What Does it Mean that Jesus is our Advocate?
Got Questions?
An advocate is a person who comes to our aid or pleads our case to a judge. Advocates offer support, strength, and counsel and intercede for us when necessary. “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1).

What Does it Mean that Jesus is Our Mediator?
Got Questions?
A mediator is one who mediates, that is, one who acts as an intermediary to work with opposing sides in order to bring about a settlement. A mediator attempts to influence a disagreement between two parties with the goal of resolving a dispute. There is only one Mediator between mankind and God, and that is Jesus Christ.

The Salvation of the “Little Ones”: Do Infants who Die Go to Heaven?
R. Albert Mohler, Jr., and Daniel L. Akin
The death of a “little one” is profoundly heartbreaking – and there is the pressing question: Is our baby in heaven?

Where was Jesus for the Three Days Between His Death and Resurrection?
Bruce A. Ware, PhD
Excellent video presentation!

Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil?
John D. MacArthur, DD
Excellent one hour answer to this question!

Why Did God Allow Polygamy in the Bible?
Peter Gentry, PhD
An excellent video answer to this age-old question!

Can We Enjoy Heaven Knowing of Loved Ones in Hell?
R.C. Sproul
Dr. Sproul answers this question Biblically in this video.

Are There Degrees of Rewards and Punishment in Heaven and Hell?
Stephen J. Wellum, PhD
A solid Biblical answer to this question!

Can you Lose Your Salvation? What About the Warning Passages
Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD
Professor Schreiner delivers an honest answer in this video!

What is the Unforgivable Sin?
Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD
This video presents and honest asnwer to a serious question.

Who wrote the Book of Hebrews?
Thomas R. Schreiner, PhD
The authorship of Hebrews is a fascinating issue that continues to interest Christians today.

A Pastoral Prayer
John F. MacArthur, Jr.
The majority of prayers recorded in the New Testament are from the apostle Paul. It devotes more pages to his words and ministry than to those of any other individual except Jesus. First Thessalonians 3:11-13.

Despairing Over the Culture? There’s Still a Reason to Get Out of Bed Tomorrow
Carl R. Trueman
Christians ask if there is any hope or should we despair?

What is Needed to Be a Christian?
J.I. Packer, PhD
One can understand the things that are essential for Christian faith and life and still remain apart from them. In order to know God’s love for you, you need to know and love Jesus Christ, and commit yourself to him as his lifelong disciple.

Seeing God’s Gracious Hand in the Hurts Others Do to Us
Mark R. Talbot, PhD
We need to know what Scripture says in general about God’s relationship to evil. Scripture declares that the Judge of all the earth will always do what is right. God never does evil!

Rest in God’s Faithfulness, Not Yours
Paul David Tripp
If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself (2 Timothy 2:13). This verse pictures a radically different way of living, one not natural to most of us.

The Holy Spirit is at Work in Our Ordinariness
Matt Rhodes
Our God is a living God and at times his Spirit invades our lives in miraculous ways. But these incidents aren’t the stuff life is made of.

Why was Satan Allowed to Torment Job?
Douglas Sean O’Donnell
The Wright Answer to the Question: “Why was Satan Allowed to Torment Job?”

We Are Both Job and Job’s Friends
Eric Ortlund
Job’s spirituality is impressive and his suffering is nightmarish. His friends are quick to condemn. Strange as it might sound, perhaps we are meant to identify both with Job and his friends.

15 Reasons Your Soul Needs Gathered Worship, Not Just a Livestream
Dane C. Ortlund, PhD
The Wright Answer to the Question: “Can I worship just as well online as in person?”

Life is a Glory War
Paul David Tripp
“We must understand that because God is glorious, life is one big glory war.”
Paul David Tripp