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Exhibiting the Prophet of Mormonism

A Prophet from Palmyra?

Dennis A. Wright, DMin

Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, in Vermont, on the border between the villages of South Royalton and Sharon, to Lucy Mack Smith and her husband Joseph Smith Sr., a merchant and farmer. He was one of eleven children.

At the age of seven, Joseph suffered a crippling bone infection and, after receiving surgery, used crutches for three years.

After an ill-fated business venture and three successive years of crop failures culminating in the 1816 “Year Without a Summer,” the Smith family left Vermont and moved to the western region of New York State, and took out a mortgage on a 100-acre farm in the townships of Palmyra and Manchester.

Times and Seasons


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Dabbling with the Occult


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Who was Joseph Smith Really?


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Are the Indians Really Lamanites?


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Influences on Joseph Smith


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How Do We Test a Prophet?

Sandra Tanner

Frequently a person will say to me that the Mormon  missionaries have challenged them to pray about Joseph Smith’s message and the Book of Mormon. But is this the proper way to determine if his message is truly from God?

Kingdom of a Conflicting Character


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The Importance of Joseph Smith in Mormonism

Sandra Tanner

On April 6, 1830, Joseph Smith gathered a few friends together to form the “only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth.” He said God had designated him as His mouthpiece.



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