We are a Research Ministry designed for serious students of the Bible. Whether you are seeking short answers or in-depth research regarding Biblical Truth and/or the Cults and other World Religions you will find it here at Lion and Lamb Apologetics.
Because we may link to another site on a particular subject this should not be interpreted as a blanket endorsement of that author—this is especially true when examining the beliefs of the various Cults and World Religions. These are provided for your further research and/or because the author might have a differing viewpoint on the subject.
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Highlight of the Week
Lion and Lamb Apologetics presents
Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation Worship Music
Berean Research
Should a church use worship music from sources that are proven to be part of the spirit of error and falsehood Jesus warns about? What if the song itself is biblical? Does the source matter? Shouldn’t a song be judged on its own merits and not the source?
These are questions that many church leaders struggle with, along with their congregants.
Learn why Christian Apologetics can give you assurance of your faith in Jesus and how it can give you the confidence you want in order to share your faith with your family and friends.
Based upon Dr. A.T. Robertson’s classic work, A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ, Dr. Wright presents an 184-part series on the Life of the Lord Jesus beginning with His pre-existence and the annunciation of His birth through His last appearance and ascension.
This is an extensive exposition of the Four Gospels in chronological order, and is heavily annotated.
Lion and Lamb Apologetics presents printed works as well as audio (and some video) presentations by some of the greatest theologians of the last 500 years.
Men like Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, Stephen Lawson, Thomas Schreiner, Joel Beeke, R.C. Sproul, and more to come.
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All gifts are tax deductible in the USA and will be used for website development and hosting fees, computer programming, salary support and apologetics outreach opportunities.